Prices 2024

Hunting licenses are sold by some people, these can be found under "Contacts". For hunting birds, capercaillie, black grouse and grouse, a maximum of 3 birds applies each hunting day and person. A hunting report is submitted on the website after the hunt is completed.

Hunters from other countries

The hunt will be released on September 10.

Day pass      400kr

Weekend card  900kr

Weekly  1500kr

Purchase of hunting license

Personal contact should always be made with a seller of hunting licenses.

Payment can be made in cash or by bank.

When paying with IBAN, payment must be made at least 5 days before the hunt. Name and date fore hunting must be filled in when paying by bank.

Svenska Handelsbanken  IBAN: SE 76 6000 0000 0006 9054 8672, BIC: HANDSESS.